Welcome To Your Business Exit Journey
Exiting your business is both an art and a science. Clear Advice Business works with you to design, facilitate, and implement your personalized exit plan. We are passionate about providing clear advice while following our three step process.
Build. Protect. Monetize.

Build Value
What are your Value Drivers?
How Good is your Good Will?
How Clear is your Message?
As we all know, business owners are builders. Through hard work and ingenuity, we are willing to take risk because we know how to build a business. It is instinct for the well-equipped entrepreneur. Building a business over the years is like building a bridge; first create the concept and build a strong foundation.

Protect Value
As a business owner, you have worked hard over the years, many times slaving over your business and missing out on important family and personal events because your business demanded it. And you were happy to do it since you are building something special, something very valuable.
Do you have your Dream Team locked in?
What are your Tax Minimization Strategies?
How are you Managing your Risks?

Selling your business to “insiders” is far from easy. When considering your business monetization options, one that frequently comes to mind for many business owners is potentially selling the business to non-family-member insiders including minority shareholders, existing or new management,
Monetize Value
What is your path to External Monetization?
What is your path to Internal Monetization?
What is your Family Legacy?
Building Your Exit Team
Working directly with business owners and their key advisors, Clear Advice Business uses an integrative team approach to facilitate a customized exit strategy.
By quarterbacking the process, our goal is to help you reach the end zone with maximum value & minimum taxes.